RGB NSWGov+ScreenNSW Mardi Gras2024
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Sydney City of Film

Each year, Screen NSW awards the Sydney UNESCO City of Film Award to a talented screen practitioner. Discover the vibrant film scene in Sydney, City of Film.

BTS.NORTH SHORE.Photo Daniel Asher Smith.5335 resized

Sydney city of film

In 2010, Sydney was named a UNESCO City of Film in recognition of its world-class film industry.

As Australia’s undisputed screen industry production hub, Sydney has a wealth of culture. Sydney's passion for cinematic experiences shows through our vibrant film and festival scene.

Screen NSW celebrates great homegrown filmmakers with the Sydney UNESCO City of Film Award.  Each year at the Sydney Film Festival, Screen NSW gives this award to a screen practitioner whose work exemplifies innovation, culture and creativity.

Winners include Chris Godfrey (2023), Caitlin Yeo (2022), Karina Holden (2021), Blackfella Films (2019), Warwick Thornton (2018), Leah Purcell (2017) and Lynette Wallworth (2016).


UNESCO Cities of Film Network

Sydney is one of over 20 cities in the UNESCO Cities of Film Network.

A city of festivals

Sydney is proud to be home to a diverse array of film festivals that showcase the city, as well as the stories and storytellers of Australia.

To name just a selection:

Need support for your festival?

Apply to our Audience Development program.

Photo credit: Daniel Asher Smith. Dan Spielman, Joanne Froggatt, crew and Director Gregor Jordan onset of NORTH SHORE. Photo courtesy of Beach Road Pictures Pty Ltd.