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A Guide to Understanding Diversity and Creating Authentic Screen Content

It’s important to Screen NSW that the screen content we support reflects NSW’s diverse make-up in the most authentic way possible. 

What is diversity?

Diversity encompasses a wide range of human experiences and identities, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, and socio-economic status.

In the context of screen, diversity refers to the representation of these varied identities both in front of and behind the camera.

It is about creating a screen industry that reflects the rich tapestry of human experience, allowing for a multitude of voices and perspectives to be heard and seen.

Importance of diversity in the NSW screen sector

New South Wales is home to a rich tapestry of cultures, languages, backgrounds and abilities making it one of the most diverse states in Australia. Approximately one-third of the population was born overseas, representing over 200 different nationalities.

It’s important to Screen NSW that the screen content we support reflects NSW’s diverse make-up in the most authentic way possible. When diversity is prioritised in film, television, games and other screen projects, it leads to: 

Creating authentic screen content

Screen NSW expects an inclusive creative team when it comes to diverse screen content to ensure a true and authentic representation of the story being told. It’s important for applicants to ensure a creative team reflects their intention for the final produced project.

An application to Screen NSW should demonstrate the project’s development to date, plans for further development and production includes the following:

The role of diverse writers and directors

Embracing diversity in the screen industry is not just a moral imperative; it is essential for creating authentic, engaging, and impactful screen content.

By prioritising diverse voices both in front of and behind the camera, screen content makers can enrich their storytelling, challenge stereotypes, and foster a more inclusive film industry.

The journey towards greater diversity requires commitment and collaboration, but the rewards – richer narratives, greater representation, and enhanced cultural empathy – are well worth the effort.