RGB NSWGov+ScreenNSW Mardi Gras2024
News & Media
Past Productions
Career development

Attachment Register

Screen NSW's Attachment Register connects emerging and mid-career screen practitioners with productions to support their career development.

Start application

Attachment Register

Apply here


Screen NSW recognises the need to support creative talent and crew as they grow their careers in the screen industry. Project-based attachments build on-the-job skills. As such, they can be an integral part of developing a career in features, broadcast and news platforms. Screen NSW have established an attachment register to recommend screen practitioners seeking attachment opportunities.

Key information

  • Opportunity: Be listed on Screen NSW’s Attachment Register
  • Applications: Open, rolling

Program objectives

The objectives of the program are to:

  • Support employment and sustainable career pathways for NSW-based screen practitioners
  • Identify skills gaps and aim to increase and maintain a skilled workforce
  • Foster pathways and upskilling for practitioners to progress in their chosen field
  • Contribute to the growth and sustainability of a vibrant and accessible screen sector.

Contact & support

Screen Industry and Audience team
[email protected]


Selection criteria

Assessment & award process

Application materials

Information for Producers

Projects receiving Screen NSW funding must engage people as paid production attachments, in accordance with the Terms of Trade (page 23) and the relevant Program Guidelines but at a minimum:

  • For projects receiving funding of $150,000 up to $750,000: 1 NSW-Based production attachment to any above or below the line position paid for from the approved budget for a minimum of 6 weeks, plus an additional week (capped at 12 weeks) for each full $50,000 Screen NSW invests above $150,000
  • For projects receiving $750,000 or more: 2 NSW-Based production attachments to any above or below the line position paid for from the approved budget for a minimum of 6 weeks plus an additional week (capped at 12 weeks) for each full $50,000 Screen NSW invests above $150,000, and
  • On no less than industry award rates (for 40-hour weeks, Level 1 MPPA rate, not including scheduled or standard overtime).

If Screen NSW agrees, the producer may engage several people as production attachments for shorter periods instead of one or two people for a longer period.