RGB NSWGov+ScreenNSW Mardi Gras2024
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Createability Host Organisation 24/25

Funding to host internships for emerging practitioners with disability or who are d/Deaf in the arts, screen and sound industries.

Start application

Createability Host Organisation 24/25


Funding to host internships for emerging practitioners with disability or who are d/Deaf in the arts, screen and sound industries.

Arts, screen, sound and cultural organisations will host interns for a period of 4 weeks (20 days, 160 hours full-time) or up to 16 weeks (160 hours part-time), whatever is most appropriate to the needs of the organisation and the availability of the intern.

The Createability Internship Program supports up to 11 participants who are placed with up to 11 major NSW organisations across the arts, screen, sound and culture sectors. The program provides customised training followed by paid internships.

The desired outcomes of the program include increased skill development and greater participation by people with disability or who are d/Deaf, leading to more people with disability contracted and employed by arts, screen, sound and cultural organisations across NSW. 

The Createability Internship Program is a partnership between Create NSW, Screen NSW, Sound NSW and Accessible Arts NSW and a range of NSW-based arts, screen, sound and cultural organisations. 

This program is administered by Create NSW - please see further details on the program here.

Key information

  • Grant amount: Up to $5,600
  • Application opened: 16 September 2024
  • Application closes: 21 October 2024, 5:00 pm

Contact & support

This program is administered by Create NSW:


For full eligibility criteria, please see the Create NSW Program Guidelines. 

Assessment and award

Please see details in the Program Guidelines.