RGB NSWGov+ScreenNSW Mardi Gras2024
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Development funding

Pathways Development Program

The Screen NSW Pathways Development Program supports the continuation of a career in screen for creatives with disability.

Start application

Pathways Development Program


The Screen NSW Pathways Development Program supports the continuation of a career in screen for creatives with disability. This initiative is open to emerging creatives with disability who may not meet the guidelines for the Screen NSW Development program. Screen NSW strongly encourages past recipients of the Screenability Film Fund to apply. 

The opportunity is to support three projects conceived by creatives with disability to develop a long form project. This could be an adaptation of their Screenability short film into a feature or series or the development of an entirely new series or feature film of fiction or non-fiction. The format can include live action and animation and there is no restriction on subject matter or style, but Screen NSW is looking for a one-page synopsis that is compelling, distinctive and has a strong sense of their audience.

In addition to people with disability, Screen NSW is committed to supporting increased participation in the industry of people from other underrepresented groups including:

  • Regional NSW 
  • Western Sydney 
  • First Nations people 
  • People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds 
  • LGBTQIA+ people. 

The initiative will identify and track NSW screen talent and invest in developing and establishing their strong and distinctive creative voices by enabling them to develop an idea from a one-page synopsis to a series bible for a series, a comprehensive pitch deck and treatment for a factual project or a treatment for a feature film. The aim is to support a team to develop material that is ready to pitch and to leverage further development support or secure marketplace finance.

The initiative encourages creatives to build networks and relationships with experienced practitioners, as well as with experienced industry professionals through the development of the project

  • Funding amount: $30,000
  • Applications open: Tuesday 23 April 2024
  • Applications close: Monday 3 June 2024, 5pm (AEST)

Program objectives

The objectives of the program are to:

  • Increase participation from screen practitioners with a disability
  • Support opportunities for individuals from underrepresented groups in the NSW screen industry
  • Ensure past Screenability Film Fund recipients have opportunities to continue a career in the screen industry
  • Encourage authentic storytelling through screen.

This grant is funded and administered by Screen NSW.

Contact & support

Screen Investment team
[email protected]
Ph: +61 2 9228 4451

Please contact us with any questions, or to make accessibility arrangements which best support your individual needs.


Assessment criteria

Applications will be competitively assessed against the following weighted criteria.

Application process

To apply for funding, you will need to complete and submit an application form through our secure online grants system SmartyGrants. It is a one stage application process. 

Your application needs to include:

  • A one-page synopsis of your project. This should clearly articulate structure, tone, character arc and plot.
  • A two paragraph (max) biography for each team member
  • A one-page development plan
  • A one-page audience and marketplace statement. This should include your target audience and how you plan to reach that audience.
  • A development budget.

Applicants will receive an email confirmation of application submission from Screen NSW’s secure online grants system, SmartyGrants. 

Assessment process

At least two members of the Screen Investment Team and an external industry professional with a lived disability will assess projects against the above assessment criteria. A decision meeting will be held with the assessors and the Head of Screen NSW to discuss and approve the [3] successful projects.

Final recommendations and approvals will be made in writing to the Head of Screen NSW, who is the final decision maker.

Please ensure your application addresses all the assessment criteria.

Applicants will be notified on the outcome of their application with 6 weeks of the application closing date. 

Award process

Successful funding recipients will enter into a standard non-negotiable agreement with Screen NSW, setting out the terms and conditions of the funding. This will include undertaking Accessibility Training before undertaking any development activity for the project.

An experienced Executive Producer will be assigned to oversee the development you have proposed for this stage of development. They will also work with you to:

  • Connect you with relevant industry professionals in order to advance your project
  • Work with you to secure a producer if you haven’t already secured one
  • Assist you in achieving your goals for this phase of development
  • Ensure you meet the terms and conditions set out in your Development Agreement
  • General development mentorship.

Recipients will be required to submit an acquittal form, which will include confirmation of their use of funds and evidence completion of delivery items as per the funding agreement.