RGB NSWGov+ScreenNSW Mardi Gras2024
News & Media
Past Productions
Development funding

Short to Feature Fast Track Initiative

The Short to Feature Fast Track Initiative combines funding for the production of a short film or proof of concept, as well as script development funds for a low budget feature film.

Start application

Short to Feature Fast Track Initiative


The Short to Feature Fast Track Initiative combines funding for the production of a short film or proof of concept, as well as script development funds for a low budget feature film.

The aim of this initiative is for emerging to mid-level NSW creative teams with fresh voices to have an opportunity to create a short film or proof of concept alongside script development funding on a feature film to accelerate the project towards financing and production. The feature film script does not have to be the same story or a long version of the short film but should be connected, for example, by creative voice, genre, tone or stylistic approach. 

The formats can include live action and animation for both the short/proof of concept and feature. All drama genres are eligible. There is no restriction on subject matter or style, but Screen NSW is looking for scripts that are compelling, distinctive and have a strong sense of their audience.

The initiative will identify and track fresh NSW filmmaking talent and invest in developing and establishing their strong and distinctive creative voices. Supporting creative teams in producing a short film or proof of concept will act as a calling card for the feature film and armed with an advanced-stage draft of the feature film will enable teams to leverage further development support or marketplace finance.

The initiative will build networks and relationships between emerging to mid-level creative teams and experienced practitioners, as well as with experienced industry professionals from the distribution sector in order to develop the teams’ understanding and awareness of the intended audience. This initiative will also assist in honing craft skills for both above the line and below the line practitioners through funding short film production.

Key information

  • Funding amount: Up to $45,000 for production or up to $30,000 for post-production for short/proof of concept; and up to $30,000 for feature film development
  • Two stage application process
  • Applications open (Stage 1): Friday 1 March 2024
  • Applications close (Stage 1): 5pm, Thursday 28 March 2024 – please note, late applications will not be accepted

Program objectives

The objectives of the program are to:

  • Support the nurturing of new ideas and talent in NSW
  • Ensure Key Creatives are given access to opportunities that benefit their careers and reinvest back into the NSW screen industry
  • Support connections that will shape the future of our creative landscape and strengthen our position in the global market.

Contact & support

Please make sure to read these guidelines and the FAQs below before sending through your enquiries.

Screen Investment Managers:

Lauren Edwards
[email protected]

Amelia Rowe
[email protected]




Selection criteria

Your application will be competitively assessed against the project’s economic contribution to a robust and continuously developing NSW screen industry, with regard to the following considerations:

Application and assessment process

The application process consists of two stages.

The Short Film to Feature Film initiative will open for submissions Friday 1st March 2024 and the closing date for Stage 1 is Thursday 28 March 2024 (5pm).  

Applications will be assessed by a combination of Screen NSW Sector Investment Managers and an industry professional from the film distributor sector and a shortlist will be compiled.

Shortlisted teams will be interviewed by a Screen NSW Investment Manager and the industry professional who will make recommendations on the final selections to the Head of Screen NSW.

Award process